VOTE USA 2026/2028
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on - April 9, 2023 -
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VOID MOONS THIS WEEK (Eastern Standard Time):
MONDAY no void moon
TUESDAY 6:48am-1:33pm
WEDNESDAY no void moon
THURSDAY 10:14am-4:42pm
FRIDAY no void moon
SATURDAY 11:16am-6:57pm
SUNDAY no void moon
MONDAY brings nice personal flow regarding what we’re doing about our own needs or involvement with travel plans, legal matters, educational pursuits, media ventures, ceremonies, situations at a distance, religious interests, or politics.
TUESDAY Venus moves into Gemini and will now tour this sign until May 7th. In Gemini she is of two minds, vacillating, flirtatious, duplicitous, inquisitive, chatty, local, and definitely interesting so expect love, beauty, pleasures, and income pursuits to feel the same during this transit. You find these things now on short trips to nearby places, in your community, through siblings or neighbors, writing or sales, when dealing with electronics or transportation, or at interviews or auditions. Time to speak up, listen, ask for it, consider it, or decide. Today she is in flow with Pluto so we may have some powerful experiences, something transcendent, changing, or evolving with financial, sexual, or third-party influences and our aspirations, friendships, online pursuits, or groups in the mix. The Sun and Jupiter also meet today to kick off their yearly story together, this one in Aries (which happens once every 12 years) so show up, put yourself forward regarding your name, title, brand, image, body, identity, or needs and go big, focus on happiness or prosperity, be adventurous (but safe), and see what is possible.
WEDNESDAY the Capricorn Moon is gearing us towards personal goals, career, status, fame, or authority figures and putting us into exciting moments regarding income, purchases, possessions, values, being valued, or products in the mix, doors open.
THURSDAY the first part of the day is still Capricorn Moon and again in good flow so again with the goals, career interests or bosses, parents, judges, mentors, directors, or other authority figures but today the doors are open tied to research, institutions, artistic pursuits, romantic interests, or spiritual matters in the mix. The Moon then moves into Aquarius and meets up with Pluto in this sign. This opens up fresh start energy around financial, sexual, reproductive, divorce, or third-party matters and our aspirations, social life, online pursuits, charities, astrology, or causes.
FRIDAY is probably either the most challenging day of the week or the one that gives us a run for our money as we amp up and fire out the door. First off, Venus is at odds with Saturn so our talks, mind, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, or decisions regarding love or income, beauty or pleasures it meeting up with tests, time issues, responsibilities, limits, rules, or other such confabulations regarding things we didn’t’ see coming or involving institutions, research, addictions, secrets, self-sabotaging tendencies, or the artistic, romantic or spiritual matter in the mix. Next, the Aquarius Moon wants it’s freedom or spur of the moment choices but is getting a lot of grift from Mercury and Uranus in Taurus, causing things to pop up through talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, vehicles, siblings, neighbors, the internet, gatherings, or electronics that throw values out of whack, make us feel less valued, or push us to deal with an income, purchase, possession, or product in some challenging way. Oy, baby steps today! For you crazy kids who work well with this frictional energy just apply these topics to a much busier, hectic, and wild kind of day.
SATURDAY we are back into a groove with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, or freedom, or original projects and this may feel quite expansive or generous today.
SUNDAY the Pisces Moon is what it’s about so we may rest up and recharge our batteries, get into something artistic, romantic or spiritual, dream a bit, find the magical or psychic moments around us, or do more research or deal with institutions. This is helping us get busy at home or about home, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, family, or roommates in flow, as well as linking us to opportune talks, news or decisions about income, purchases, possessions, or products in the mix, sweet.
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MONDAY looks set to put you into flow with your interests abroad, through travel, in legal pursuits, with media or educational interests, ceremonies, religion, or politics, step up. TUESDAY Venus moves into your zone of talks, flirtations, meetings, local activities, short trips, writing, sales, and decisions to tour here until may 7th. This means you may now find love or income here or experience more beauty or pleasures here. It can make you a bit more fickle in these matters so try to balance yourself as best you can. Today this is in flow with a deeper, more intimate or profound experience tied to social, online or aspirational pursuits in the mix. The Sun and Jupiter meet for a fortuitous moment and fresh start for you that could mean personal growth, happiness or prosperity, show up. WEDNESDAY opens up opportunities to pursue or reach personal goals, career objectives or connections with higher-ups involving your income needs, purchases, gifts, possessions, or products. THURSDAY opens up more around personal goals, career or authority figures but now related to romantic, artistic or spiritual interests or your research or institutional needs. The later part of the day then moves into more social, online or aspirational pursuits and may be more financial, sexual or powerful. FRIDAY is the crazy day when things could go off the rails so try not to contribute to this energy. Venus and Saturn square which puts a kibosh on the love or income pursuits or the beauty or pleasure with more responsibilities, limits, rules, endings, or issues involving your energy levels, addictions, self-sabotaging tendencies, institutions, research, artistic, romantic, or spiritual matters. At the same time there is also some shocking, suddenly changing, surprising, or off course energy kicking up around values, being valued, social situations, online matters, freedoms, money, purchases, possessions, or pleasures that you hear about, spurt out or are thinking about in loops. Arg. SATURDAY if you rode the storm of Friday’s energy should put you back on course with friends, groups, the internet, or other social interests and open up optimistic, expansive potential for you. SUNDAY is about rest, recuperation, dreams, romance, artistry, spirituality, research, or institutions and the things you get done or get passionate about at home, with real estate deals, moves, family, or roommates that are in flow, as well as the potential to hear or talk about purchases, possessions, values, gifts, income, or pleasures in the mix, doors open. If the Weekly info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!
MONDAY puts you behind the scenes and in flow. You can focus on financial objectives, sexual interests, third-party needs, or the things you are purging or making changes around via your efforts here, through institutions, research, or tied to artistic, romantic or spiritual themes. This can go really big in fresh new ways on TUESDAY as the Sun and Jupiter merge for some fresh starts in these realms. Venus moves into your 2nd house of income, purchases, possessions, and products on TUESDAY to tour here until May 7th. This period brings more love or income flow to these areas or helps you smooth out issues, seek beauty or experience more pleasure here. Today this is helping you go deeper, evolve your story, reach higher-ups, set or achieve goals, or make it about financial, sexual, career, or status objectives. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY then turn your attention directly to these travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, distant, or political interests. This brings news, offers, talks, ideas, meetings, sales, and/or some genuine excitement on WEDNESDAY and puts you into flow with friends, groups, the internet, or your aspirations about it on THURSDAY. You also should get a nice boost in the latter part of THURSDAY towards a personal goal, career objective or with a boss, parent judge, mentor, or other such authority figure. FRIDAY is the crazy, testing day so you’re either a whole lot busier and juggling or there is some obstacle to tackle. The focus in the first part of the day is on income, love, purchases, possessions, beauty, or pleasure and the tests here with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or aspirations in the mix. It then moves to some unexpected shake-up with you regarding your personal or professional goals or that authority figure. SATURDAY then puts you back into flow with the goal, career interest, or boss, parent or other authority figure, opening up potential for you behind the scenes, through institutions, research, or your artistic, romantic or spiritual interests. SUNDAY then focuses on aspirations, original projects, friends, groups, or the internet. There is more to do locally or on short trips, with vehicles or electronics, siblings or neighbors, moves, talks, meetings, sales, writing, or decisions here in flow. There is also at least one opportune talk or meeting geared directly at your own interests today. If the Weekly info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!
MONDAY looks to be a strong day for you online, with friends, pursuing aspirations, original projects, focused on astrology, charities, gatherings, or groups, and meeting your emotional needs with partners, clients, specialists, reps, or other key players. This then opens up bigger opportunities or fresh starts in these areas on TUESDAY. Venus moves into your sign on TUESDAY to tour Gemini until May 7th. This is lovely for you because hosting Venus is like getting that extra scoop of ice cream. You should find you are attracting love, money, beauty, or pleasure your way or mirroring it out to others and this makes for a much nicer time during these weeks. Today this flows with travel, legal, financial, sexual, media, ceremonial, educational, religious, and political interests in powerful ways. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY then focus on financial interests, sex, reproduction, divorce, or third-party interests. You should hear more or find more excitement brewing behind the scenes, through artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, or research realms tied t o this on WEDNESDAY, while finding flow with your goals, career or higher-up individuals about it on THURSDAY. FRIDAY is the crazy or testing day where you are either revved up and busier juggling a lot or tested by some kind of obstacle. First, there is something testing you regarding love, income, beauty, or pleasure and the personal or professional goal, the boss, parent or other authority figure, or the status involved. Next, news, talks, or decisions about institutions, research, addictions, secrets, artistic, romantic, or spiritual matters tests or pushes you when it comes to your needs in legal, travel, educational, media, ceremonial, distant, religious, or political realms. SATURDAY then puts you back into flow with travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political matters and this is due to what you are doing online, with friends, groups, or aspirations. SUNDAY is then about personal goals, career, status, or the boss, parent or other authority figure. This is in flow with what you do about income, purchases, possessions, or products as well as with the news, ideas, talks, or decisions going on behind the scenes, with institutions, through research, or about artistic, romantic or spiritual interests in the mix. If the Weekly info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!
MONDAY helps you show up and pursue or attain goals, get busy with career objectives or deal with higher-ups and this is in flow with your paperwork, job, health, animals, co-workers, or hired help in the mix. By TUESDAY you should get a nice boost that opens this up even more via any legal, travel, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes with those personal or professional goals or those authority figures. Venus moves into your 12th house on TUESDAY and will tour here until May 7th. This means you may be developing something privately or secretively when it comes to love or money, beauty or pleasure or there is something more karmic involved or you may just feel more inspired, dreamy and romantic with love, more artistic or spiritual about any of it, or into researching what might help or working with an institution to move things forward. TODAY this flows with something financial, sexual or third-party. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY then focus on partners, clients, specialists, reps, or other relationships. This should help you talk, meet or get into something exiting about aspirations, original projects, online, or social with them on WEDNESDAY in flow, while opening up something inspired through travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political with them on THURSDAY. FRIDAY is the crazy, challenging or amped up over the top day of the week. The focus stats out on something artistic, romantic, institutional, research0-oriented, addictive, secretive, or research focused about love, income, beauty, or pleasure and how this is coming into a frictional energy point with travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes. It then moves to news, talks or decisions about an aspiration, original project, friend, group, on online matter and the financial, sexual, birth, death, divorce, or third-party matter influence in the mix. SATURDAY then puts you back into flow as you open up and go bigger with personal goals, career, or authority figures and focus on financial, sexual, mortality, divorce, or third-party needs, doors open. SUNDAY is about the travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interest. This helps you get more motivated, passionate or busy, while in flow, and helps you with news, talks or decisions about aspirations in the mix or with friends, groups or the internet in play. If the Weekly info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!
MONDAY puts you in flow regarding your interests with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits, and any travel, distant, legal, educational, or media ventures in the mix. TUESDAY Venus moves into Gemini and your 11th house of friends, groups, online interests, astrological pursuits, charitable causes, aspirations, and original projects and will tour here until May 7th. This means you should definitely find more pleasure in these arenas but you may also find you attract or can express more love or income or beauty here as well, enjoy! Today it moves into flow with Pluto which helps you involve partners, clients, specialists, reps, or others in powerful, financial, or sexual ways. The Sun meets up with Jupiter by degree as well today which is a fresh start when it comes to happiness prosperity, growth, or adventure for you through travel, legal, distant, media, marketing, educational, ceremonial, religious, or political interests, show up! WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY put you into flow with work or health interests, animals, paperwork, cleaning or organizing, co-workers, or hired help. WEDNESDAY this helps you get into talks, sales, interviews, offers, short trips, or meetings with higher ups, or about goals or career objectives in flow. THURSDAY it links to financial, sexual or third-party interests in the mix in opportune ways. There is also a powerful moment on THURSDAY with a partner, client, specialist, representative, or other such relationship. FRIDAY is the crazy or challenging day with lots of frictional energy that keeps you moving and pushing or tests you. The focus starts out on friends, groups, gatherings, online interests, or aspirations and what is going on with any financial, sexual, reproductive, death, birth, divorce, or third-party influences. It then turns to partners, clients, specialists, competitors, advocates, or representatives and the..