As part of a future sale, I wanted to make a little 6"X6" photo-book on Shutterfly, for the Buyer/collector, as part of 'The Lot' that I'm selling...
So I bought a little light box on Amazon, and shot some pictures to basically tie everything together for them... and I liked the result so much, I ordered two books, so I could keep one, for myself:)
If you haven't used one of these services, they are great, and have easy to use templates. In any case, here is what I made this morning, but I have no idea how upload these in the right order, not that it matters that much, but I uploaded a PDF too, if you don't like jumping around.
- Real images are higher res; these are screen shots of preview pages.
- BTW -That is a refinished dial/fake hands, that will be disclosed, along with the fake watch holder, when it is finished and listed. For these reasons, this sale will not occur here. I just wanted to explain the photos... assuming Xeramic will pounce on me if he sees any of this:)

watch book.pdf (16.11 MiB) 0
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