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on - May 2, 2023 -
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My whole life I would see my Father gathering flowers to leave for my Mom to find on May Day, such a nice tradition and such a romantic man he was, so I wish you all a lovely May Day and hope you find a flower or two along the way on your journey through the day. If you read the Weekly or listened to the show, then you know what a powerful first day of May we have today. There are four things going on. FIRST, it's our last full day of Virgo Moon energy guiding us to tend to the details of our lives, be of service, do the work, take steps towards better health, spend time with our animals, clean, organize, and work with others. There seems to be a push this early part of the day with these topics involving how we are beautifying things or what is going on with beautiful objects, income, love, or pleasure in the story. We may wish to be adaptive when it comes to how big we go and at some point, find another to involve in our dreams about it. SECOND Pluto Retrogrades today at 1:09pm Eastern/10:09am Pacific. We've all seen how much of an impact just these first few weeks into Pluto in Aquarius have had on our aspirations in life along with our friendships, online pursuits, groups, and freedoms. Pluto has been asking us to dig in and either purge, change or evolve things here through addressing our power, control, financial concerns, sexual attractions, anything happening with births, deaths or divorces, or third-party influences in the mix. His Retrograde will last until June 11th in this sign before he takes it back into Capricorn so during this first part we are shifting gears, going back over anything just described to rethink, rekindle, release, or rework. THIRD we enter the Trigger Field for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 1:34pm Eastern/1:34am Pacific. This means we are now into territory, Monday through next Tuesday, that can trigger major endings, achievements, breakthroughs, or celebrations with financial matters, sexual interests, reproductive needs, births, deaths, divorce, crime, power, control, jealousy, or third-party influences. This culminates halfway through the Trigger Field on Friday under the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse peak but again, we can see events taking place starting today and throughout the 9 days of the Trigger Field that are part of this climax. FOUR we reach the Mercury Retrograde Midpoint/Turning point today at 7:28pm Eastern/4:28pm Pacific. We've been reassessing income needs, purchases, possessions, products, values, or how we are being valued with the Mercury Retrograde in Taurus. We may have a slowdown going on or a return of past people or situations or a reworking of the ongoing situations as part of this journey. So, at the Midpoint/Turning point we should have something going on that alerts us to what is has been about or what we are now meant to do about it for the rest of the Retrograde, until May 14th. This may mean an idea pops into our head about it or we hear something, have a talk or meeting that keys us in or find something we forgot about that kicks it into gear for us today. So, quite a entry into the Month, I wish you all a happy May! The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES May 1-7 are up, the MAY MONTHLY HOROSCOPES are now up along with the MAY MONTHLY ASTROLOGY SHOWS, links below! PRAYER TODAY is 'May we be open and inquisitive about revisiting the things of the past and giving them a chance at rebirth in our lives, but utterly fearless in purging all that needs to go.' PEAK TIME is 1:05-1:10pm Eastern/10:05-10:10am Pacific, see you there!
If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!
The WEEKLY ASTROLOGY Show April 28-May 4 is up, LISTEN HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology PLUTO RETROGRADE & FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in SCORPIO Show 04/27 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (
The MAY MONTHLY ASTROLOGY SHOW Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, & Scorpio:
MAY MONTHLY ASTROLOGY SHOW for Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces: