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Posted by - Latinos Media -
on - February 28, 2023 -
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There are over 900 Pokémon available in Pokémon GO. Many of these are easy to get, but some are the rarest Pokémon. While a Pidgey isn’t terribly difficult to find, an Uxie is. Even more so, various forms of Pokémon can be rare, too.
Jangmo-o is extremely hard to get, but not impossible
Additionally, costumed Pokémon (usually Pikachu, but others get costumes as well) only spawn during events, so they’re rare as well.
Regionals are among the rarest Pokémon in Pokémon GO
Regionals, since they can only spawn in various places on earth, are pretty rare for players who live elsewhere. Since the game is geographically locked (unless players spoof, which is frowned upon by Niantic), these can be impossible to find.
Here are the regional spawns available right now:
Generation I
Generation II
Generation III
Generation IV
Generation VI
Currently, those are the only regionals in the game. Furthermore, the Pokédex will count you having the creature if you have one form, say for Flabebe. However, to catch a red one, you’ll have to visit Europe, the Middle East or Africa.
The rarest Pokémon in Pokémon GOUltimately, there are three Pokémon that are nearly impossible to catch. These are easily the rarest Pokémon in Pokémon GO. The three Galarian Birds are essentially impossible to find. To get them to spawn, players have to use a Daily Incense, which is only for 15 minutes a day. If you’re lucky, they will spawn. Unfortunately, that only happens at a low percentage as well.
If they spawn, players have a 0.3% chance of catching them with a given throw. That accounts for using an Ultra Ball, Golden Razz Berry and getting a Nice, Great or Excellent curveball. If they break out (very likely), then they have a 90% chance to flee and they’ll never be seen again.
The Galarian Birds are extremely rare catches
These are nearly impossible to catch, at least until Niantic caves and puts them in the Legendary Raid rotation. If you have one of them, or even all three, you have arguably the rarest Pokémon in Pokémon GO.
Read also: Pokemon GO Tour Hoenn - Complete GuideShiny forms of Pokémon
Encountering a shiny is extremely rare unless done on a community day or other special event. If you’re hunting randomly and a shiny Pokémon appears, that is a base 1/450 chance. However, certain shinies are far more difficult to come by. For example, a shiny Bronzor can be found at a 1/76 clip. On the other hand, Finneon carries a 1/1,676 rate. Here are some of the rarest shiny encounters:
Shiny Psyduck is a rare find
Also, these rates do fluctuate, but not much. The rates don’t drastically change unless Niantic goes in and boosts the odds, like they did with Bronzor, Onix and others.
Of course, others are also hard just simply due to lack of spawns. A shiny Axew is an incredible rarity. So is a shiny (non community day) Noibat. A shiny Riolu is borderline impossible to get since it’s in one egg as the rarest hatch and cannot spawn in the wild. Shiny regionals are also difficult since they can only be found in certain places.
Finding a combination of two rarities is also hard. For example, a shiny Trading Card Game Pikachu is very rare since it was only available for a very brief amount of time.
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