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on - October 9, 2023 -
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When Venus, the planet of love and relationships, moves through Virgo from October 8th until November 8th, our connections take on a practical bent. The planet of romance and intimacy isn’t immediately at ease in this analytical earth sign. Rather than letting its hair down, Venus in Virgo tends to scrutinize its interactions, pinpoint potential problems, and then get to work researching solutions. It’s not always comfortable scouting close ties with others for their red flags, but doing so can be the ultimate show of care. Virgo assesses its bonds like a healer would examine a body: to figure out where doses of medicine are required in order for it to thrive. And often the remedies offered up are through grounded acts of support: showing up early for the big performance, washing every last dish after dinner, or remembering for years that someone’s favorite fragrance is bergamot. While it’s easy to overlook this placement’s strengths when flashier signs strut past proffering roses and love letters, it possesses an innate knowing of a crucial truth: long-term love comes to life through attention to the details.
Your Venus in Virgo horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you.
The following horoscopes were written by Grace Mungovan.
Cultivate practical pleasures.
Over the next month, beautifying your work and wellness rituals will be extra satisfying. This could mean color coordinating the essential oils in your medicine cabinet or splurging on the luxe pens that make you want to write. Weaving opulence into your daily grind points you to the deeper purpose of your tasks.
Tending to your health or your obligations isn’t just about hustling: It’s about devotion. Letting more loveliness into your endeavors reminds you that your acts of service to yourself and others are both a spiritual and worldly pursuit.
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Over the next month, add some analysis to your pursuit of pleasure.
Instead of just getting lost in the sensual frenzy of the moment, map out the deeper motivations fueling your fun. After all, you’re not just a sweeping midnight kiss or the last one on the dancefloor. You’re an intricate consciousness containing societal imprints, attachment wounds, and your own unique flavor of joie de vivre.
Discerning between desires that you inherited from the collective and those that are true for you is a worthwhile journey. Flirt with your own complexity.
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Over the next month, bring your powers of discernment to bear on your relationship with your foundations.
Whether that means untangling a tricky root system with your chosen family, or sifting through past memories for deeper insights, get sorting. Working with a therapist or getting analytical in your journal can highlight the dynamics you’re ready to shed and clarify the ones you’re ready to own.
Make a list of the acts of practical self-care that replenish you, from your night time tea-with-honey ritual to your secretly satisfying pantry organizing afternoons. These nurturing activities are a to-do list from your vulnerable inner selves.
Beautifying your living spaces and house witchery of all sorts is also extra potent at this time. Washing your window sills with rose water and blessing your sanctuaries with incense can weave flashes of loveliness into your processing.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
Over the next month, your social antenna is heightened. Your ability to pick up on the hidden subtext, greater context, and other meaningful nuances with others is operating on overdrive.
Lean into your hyper-observant spidey senses. Ask more intentional questions of your friends, siblings, or chatty neighbor. Infer deep emotional meaning from offhand grammar choices. Replay casual conversations in your mind and file away significant details.
And spend time mulling over how you communicate too, whether via text or in person. Being considerate about your self-expression is the key to deepening your connections now. Aligning your words with your integrity is the magic spell for lasting intimacy.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
Over the next month, invest in simplicity and practicality. Especially when it comes to your finances and assets. While this might feel like an unglamorous plan, there’s something to be said for resisting impulse now and again.
Use this moment to question what the experience of abundance really is for you. Maybe you don’t need to spontaneously buy those sparkly shoes, tinkling wind chimes, or a new couch. Perhaps you just need to spend more time snuggling on the sofa that you already have. Barefoot. With a cup of your favorite tea.
Tuning in to more grounded forms of luxury will help you appreciate the riches you’ve already got — and illuminate whether your cravings for more are genuine.
Artful restraint is its own style of elegance.
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You’re known for many things: being prodigiously observant, good at planning, and at times a roving apothecary. Over the next month, all the qualities naysayers might call “neurotic” make you positively glow.
Your brainy know-how, vigilant preparedness, and attunement to the fine print will raise your charisma and your leadership prowess. So flaunt it. Show off. Volunteer to share first at the meeting. Straighten your collar in the produce line. Who knows the answer? You do!
Honoring your particular powers of enchantment attracts all the right co-conspirators to your very tidy doorstep.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
Cultivating rewarding connections with others requires grounded internal work. Over the next month, dig beneath your psyche’s surface and tend to your seeds.
Although it sounds counterintuitive, spending more time alone in reflection will attract richer relationships. Mindfully engaging with the natural world, giving your diary a precise play-by-play of your internal world, or basking in a finely-made bed will sharpen your inner clarity.
With self-awareness, it becomes easier to understand what types of flowers you’re planting with others before they bloom. Seek shelter in your cozy sanctuaries and discover the wisdom tucked in your own soil.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
Over the next month, be selective about your social circle.
Being choosy about which potlucks, message board threads, or community activist meetings you attend makes you a conscientious steward of your energy. It also ensures that your offerings to others are genuine.
Showing up to a friend’s late-night play, volunteering to be part of the dinner party “clean-up” crew, or thoughtfully crafting an email response is more meaningful when it’s rooted in authentic desire and not just an auto-pilot wish to “do the right thing.”
When you allocate your time and resources to the connections that are most aligned with your integrity, you cultivate relationships that are more likely to last in the long haul. Discernment deepens your bonds.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
Over the next month, drilling your goals down to small doable chunks and networking with potential co-conspirators is your key to success.
Contact experts, mentors, or knowledgeable peers. Cut to the core of your concerns by asking researched questions. Commit to artfully compressing big ambitions into mercilessly practical tasks. Mindfully attending to small scale problems now sets you up to reach your larger milestones elegantly.
Where you can indulge is in scouting delightfully functional tools of your trade — whether that means an iridescent keyboard for your office or sharper clippers for your burgeoning florist business.
And if you have skills that could be of assistance to someone else’s dream, offer them up generously. All of our achievements are ultimately co-creative acts. Being conscious of how you help or hinder others makes collective wins flow more abundantly.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
Epic adventures await. Fuss over the packing list.
Over the next month, engaging consciously with the details of your long-range plans is key to your satisfaction. This could mean thoughtfully piecing together an essay for a yoga retreat application or quartering peaches into particularly succulent slices before a big hike. Whatever journeys you embark on, lavish your attention on them.
Be alert for interesting cameos on your escapades, too. From knowledgeable spiritual mentors to worldly new friends, indulge your curiosity about any thoughtful characters on the scene.
Your focus is an act of devotion that can transform almost anything into a meaningful ritual. When you imbue the small moments with care, they open portals to the wild beauty of the greater picture.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
Over the next month, cultivate clarity and simplicity in your entanglements with others. Anywhere you’re fusing resources — financial, emotional, spiritual — analyze your habitual dynamics and strive to create integrity.
Paying a friend back promptly after splitting dinner, for example, isn’t just considerate to your pal — it reaffirms your own commitment to doing the right thing. And where you’re falling short, be honest. Offering the straightforward truth about what you need and where you’re at has the power to purify your connections.
This is also an opportune moment to suss out lucrative partnerships of all stripes. Search for scholarships, grants, or grounded potential collaborators who can help your projects gain traction. Stay attuned to the prospects that you feel irresistibly drawn toward. Obeying the mysterious laws of magnetism is its own form of business savvy.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
Over the next month, your powers of analysis are heightened in your committed relationships.
These superpowers can be used for productive or unproductive purposes. If you find yourself caught up in detecting secret subtexts in your partner’s words, put down the magnifying glass. But if you notice that your best friend lights up when you give them snapdragons — file that detail away somewhere safe.
Likewise, amplify your acts of service. Filling the car back up with gas, handwriting that “thank you” card, and checking in with a love after an important event all convey care. Precise and thoughtful actions can demonstrate affection more loudly than a showy bouquet or sparkling jewel ever could.
Gift your unadulterated attention.
To read about where every planet currently is in the sky and how that’s impacting you, download the CHANI app for iOS or Android.
You can find and read your horoscopes for the current astrology here!
The post Horoscopes for Venus in Virgo, 2023 appeared first on Chani Nicholas.