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on - March 20, 2023 -
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Are you tired of hitting the same ball around the same maps whilst playing Rocket League? We have gathered the best Rocket League mods that are available for you to try with your friends next time you need to spice up your Rocket League experience.
Popular Rocket League YouTubers including Lethamyr, SunlessKhan and Jon Sandman have been pushing the modded scene in their content over the last few years, as they hope to get more exposure to this small community by showcasing their fun and unique mods and gamemodes.
Source: Bakkesmod
Most of the mods listed below are only available to use in local matches, as taking them into ranked play is not possible and it would be way too overpowered. However, you can still set up a local lobby with your friends to experiment and have some fun with the best Rocket League mods.
BakkesmodBakkesmod is the main modding tool used in Rocket League. You can use it to change your car design, do custom training, show your in game MMR and so much more! You can also download extra plugins for Bakkesmod from their website, which will allow you to try out some of the other mods featured below. I would really recommend for every PC user (it is for PC only sadly) to download this mod for a quick quality of life improvement. This is easily the best Rocket League mod. Find out how to download it here:
This mod really is as overpowered as it sounds. The Rocket League aimbot mod, just like any other aimbot, means you literally can’t miss a shot. On the max setting, the ball will curve straight into the goal when hit with any power or angle. You can change the strength of the aimbot too if you only want a slight advantage against your friends. This is one of the most simple but fun mods to use in Rocket League.
This mod was originally made by mod maker CinderBlock alongside YouTuber SunlessKhan, and you can find SunlessKhan’s video that he made to showcase it here:
Custom Maps
The most unique and fun mod in Rocket League is the ability to play on a multitude of Custom Maps created by the Rocket League community. Ex-Professional turned Youtuber Lethamyr is well known in the modding and map making community for creating a large multitude of exciting new maps and minigames to try with your friends. From parkour maps to Quidditch, there are endless amounts of fun new things to try by searching through custom maps in the Rocket League Steam Workshop.
Check out Lethamyr’s YouTube Channel to keep up to date with his latest projects.
Source: LethamyrDotCom
This mod allows you to play from a first person perspective, which brings a much more immersive experience for players. However be warned, flipping and jumping with this mod activated can be quite nauseating as you are constantly turning upside down. Nevertheless, it is still a fun experience and definitely one of the best Rocket League mods.
In this video, Lethamyr showcased the first person mod against pro player AYYJAYY:
Double Trouble
If you love chaos, this mod is for you. When this mod is enabled, whenever a car touches a ball it will duplicate the ball. However you must keep track of the original ball, as only that one can be scored. Absolute chaos can ensue in this mod, as after some time you may be left with hundreds of balls with no idea of which one needs to be scored. This is easily one of the best Rocket League mods.
Here you can find CBell testing it out against some familiar faces:
Multi Bot
This mod will allow you to spawn in as many bots as you would like. If you think you are ready, you can try to win a 1v2,1v3, 1v4 or as many as you like. You may also just want to experiment by spawning in hundreds of bots and create absolute carnage.
In this video SunlessKhan shows us how much chaos this mod can cause, as he experiments with a 100 v 1 challenge.
FIFA in Rocket League
For all those FIFA fanatics out there, did you know you can play Rocket League in a similar way? This mod allows you to have a birds eye view of the map, to create a FIFA-like mini game in Rocket League.
Playing from this point of view makes it nearly impossible to hit the ball, creating a funny and exciting match for you and your friends. Trust me, even the best Rocket League players look like plats when first trying this one.
This mod was also originally made by CinderBlock and SunlessKhan, and you can see their creation for yourself here:
Invisible Car Mod
Have you ever wanted to hide from your annoying friends? Well in this mod you can! Become completely invisible and make it impossible for your friends to know where you areYou may choose to all become invisible and have a very confusing and disorienting match, or alternatively choose one player to become an invisible demoing menace, just like Rocket Sledge did here in this challenge:
Boost Pad Minefield
You better watch your step with this mod, as the boost pad minefield makes every boost pad a threat. This mod is a brand new gamemode in itself, as small pads will launch players into air in a random direction and big boost pads are deadly mines that will blow you up. This is an incredibly fun mod that you have to try for yourself.
Extreme Rumble
If the normal Rumble gamemode is too easy for some veterans, then why not give extreme Rumble a try? There are many rumble options that you can change using community made mod tools, such as custom Rumble power ups, shorter powerup timers, stronger power ups and even adding new crazy powerups that you have never seen before. There are countless options ensuring an endless amount of fun possibilities.
Popular Rocket League YouTuber Jonsandman has experimented a lot with modded Rumble, sharing with his viewers some of the possibilities that these mods provide.
In the end, we hope we showcased another side of Rocket League that you can explore with your friends to give you a revitalized feel to the game. Give us a shoutout on which mod you found most entertaining, or if your mod deserves a spot on the list.
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