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If you’re wondering which team comps you should be playing in Clash, here are the best meta comps to play for the upcoming Clash Cup.
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Winning Clash is always a satisfying moment. Not only does it grant better rewards but it’s a great feeling when you win your friends or teammates through better coordination.
While mechanics and game sense are important in any League match, the drafts play a major role during coordinated matches, especially in Clash games where you’re always looking to get even the slighted edge over the opponents.
With that in mind, we have created a list of team comps that you can use in your upcoming Clash matches, giving you higher chances of success. We will mention the picks and some possible alternatives, as well as go over the strength and weaknesses of each team composition. On top of that, the team comps will all be based on the current meta, so you’re always sure you will get your hands on a strong comp.
Best Clash Comps for the upcoming tournament (Patch 13.6 – Mar. 25-26th) 1. Jinx Carry Comp (Front-to-Back)Image Credits | Riot Games
Strengths – All-rounded comp
This is probably one of the best and most straightforward team comps to play in Clash. Most of the comp is revolved around Jinx as she will be the main damage carry during the teamfights. You will have a great frontline with a big tank and a bruiser champion, a strong teamfight control mage, and then a support that can be used both to make picks or protect the carries.
Overall, it’s one of the most balanced team comps you can play currently. You should be looking to play around your bot lane, either by ganking and punishing the enemies, or capturing the dragons in preparation for a soul. It’s imperative that your Jinx doesn’t fall behind in the early phases: it’s fine if she doesn’t snowball since she can scale later into the game anyway.
This comp becomes tough to play if you’re getting shut down in your strongest lanes (namely mid and bot). The tank top laner won’t be able to solo carry the game, and strong enemies will know that. Don’t make too obvious plays and play well with the vision control to make unexpected ganks. On top of that, Jinx must be careful with her positioning: if she gets caught out, chances are your team will hard lose the fight.
Read more: Best supports to play with Jinx in LoL2. The Kite Back comp
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Strengths – strong peeling
The current League meta is bot-centric, so it’s not a surprise to see many team comps revolve around their ADCs. In this case, you have Xayah as the main carry, which spikes at two items once she closes out the Navori Quickblade. The secondary carry will be either Viego or Veigar, depending on which one you go for.
Before Xayah can really start dealing damage, you can rely on your jungle-mid-support trio to make plays across the map. You have a good amount of diving and roaming ability, so try to use that to your advantage. That said, the real strength of this team comp comes from its teamfight ability since it will be almost impossible to kill Xayah, who will melt through the entire enemy team.
Aside from the tanky frontline, all the other teammates will either be looking to lock down an enemy champion, or protect you using their own crowd controls. Paired with Xayah’s ultimate, she should be able to stay alive for the majority of the fight. Use Viego or Veigar to kill the strongest threat and proceed to win the teamfight that way.
Do not pick this comp when facing long-range poke since the range from the champions is quite short. If you’re playing Veigar mid, be aware that the comp’s early game is not exceptional, so don’t play over aggressively and wait for both carries to scale.
Read more: Best supports to play with Xayah in LoL3. Zeri Comp
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Strengths – Insane teamfighting
Even though she might not be the strongest AD in the patch, Zeri remains a top-tier pick, especially in coordinated play like Clash. With proper communication, the chances of her getting caught are going to be much lower, allowing her to take over teamfights with her constant kiting and DPS. If you’re not strong at playing aggressively, this is one of the best team comps to play in Clash.
Thanks to a beefy frontline and a strong scaling mage like Viktor, you’ll prevail in the majority late game teamfights. Make sure to focus on the same targets and take them down one by one. In this case, the jungler will usually be the one dictating who to target with their ultimate.
Weaknesses – Extremely weak earlyIf you like playing aggressively, this is one of the team comps to avoid playing. You’ll be a sitting duck in most scenarios, and unless you are mechanically stronger than them, you won’t be able to win early skirmishes. Try to slow the game down and not accelerate it by fighting too often. The enemies will be the ones on ticking time bomb: if they won’t close out the game early on, you’ll win by default thanks to the better scaling.
Read more: Best supports to play with Zeri in LoL4. Pick-to-fight Comp
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Strengths – Single-target lock down
This team comp is also playing through the bot lane, looking to snowball the Lucian-Nami duo. With a strong skirmishing jungler, you should prevail in most fights and you can also set up potential dives with Lissandra. If you are able to get a considerable lead, look to push it even further by capturing all neutral objectives and taking down turrets.
If you are not able to do that, however, you will have to play in a smarter way, through the fog of war. Look to find flanks with Kennen and Lissandra and use the wombo combo to melt down the strongest enemy champion. You just need to win one fight to get a Baron Nashor and gain a substantial lead to close out the game. Otherwise, pray that your Lucian is the incarnated version of Ruler and have him carry the fights.
WeaknessesIt’s important to not fall behind with this team comp. Otherwise, you will struggle and won’t have enough damage to take down the targets with the combos. This comp also struggles against long-range poke: you need to find a way to lure them into you.
Read more: Best supports to pair with Lucian LoL
5. Caitlyn Comp
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Strengths – Great sieging
You’re always looking to play around the Caitlyn lane, even more so than any other lane. You don’t have to necessarily gank them, but make sure they are not getting punished by the enemy team. Use Caitlyn and Lux’s range to siege the enemy tower, take the plates, and snowball from there. It’s easy to get the dragons thanks to the great priority.
In the mid game, the team must continue sieging the other turrets while having Leblanc and the jungler look for potential picks on the enemies who are contesting a push or trying to farm on side lanes. The top laner should always stay on the side lane and join the fight with the teleport.
We mentioned how it’s crucial to have Caitlyn snowball with this team comp so the team must make sure she doesn’t get punished in the process. Ban out long range engagers like Zac or Sejuani, and put proper vision control at all times around the bot lane. It will put the top laner in a disadvantageous position, considering that mid and jungle will have to hover bot the majority of the time, but it will be worth the sacrifice to win the game.
Read more: Best supports to pair with Caitlyn LoL6. 4-1 Comp
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Strengths – Incredible splitpush
This is one of the hardest comps to pull off, despite having the coordination and communication. The splitpusher must have a great game sense and know exactly when he can split push and when he should join the fight. If the strategy works out, though, it becomes particularly tough for the enemies to respond.
This 4-1 comp offers great disengage tools thanks to Taliyah/Veigar, and you can also use Lee Sin’s kick or Sejuani ultimate to stop any potential engage. As long as Aphelios doesn’t get caught, you will have enough damage to shred through most targets later in the game. All of this while having Jax or Fiora destroying the enemies on the side lane.
Early on, you want to play for your top laner and give him an advantage if possible. The best thing would be to track the enemy jungler and cover for ganks on the other lanes so they don’t fall behind. Always look to open up either side lane and send the split pusher there to exert pressure, while the rest of the game plays on the other side of the map.
We’ve already said that the comp is hard to pull off because it requires great communication and coordination. On top of that, this lineup is one of the most unforgiving comps: one crucial mistake and it can swing the entire momentum in the enemy’s favor.
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