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The first day of school marks a point of new beginnings and bright opportunities.
It should be celebrated!
Most parents and teachers feel this way, but passing it down to students can sometimes be challenging.
After all, they are returning from a long holiday filled with fun, adventures, and, most likely, no schedules. Motivation is vital when it comes to starting on the right foot.
Setting a positive tone will last throughout the year, helping all children who need an extra push.
These Spanish phrases for kids have what you need to encourage students to go the extra mile or to start with the best grades. Take this chance to inspire them from the start.
We hope you enjoy and find our curated 12 1st day of school wishes and quotes in Spanish uplifting and memorable.
They are designed to significantly impact and create a positive atmosphere for the year ahead.
Do not let go of the opportunity this momentous occasion can bring you!
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Believe in yourself. This can seem the most worn-out of all phrases for students, but it truly is the essence of it all.
We should internalize this simple, brilliant quote on our 1st day of school, of work, of becoming a parent, and everything we can think of.
Sometimes it feels like believing in yourself doesn’t work, but that is because we’re not doing it right. So feel free to talk about this particular sentence in your classroom.
What does it mean to believe in yourself?
You can be in front of the foundations of the new generation that need to go through good and bad things, experiences, and feelings.
Maybe their only life jacket could be believing in what they can do.
Talk about self-worth, self-confidence, and the much-needed self-esteem we all lacked back in the day. Tell them how to build, reinforce, and find it within ourselves.
Quotes for kids like this one can go a long way in spheres beyond academic boundaries.
Understanding what it means and taking it outside the classroom can dramatically impact children’s lives.
This is why we encourage you to have this conversation.
But also we think that you should have them write it down on a piece of paper, decorate it, and put it in a place they can see as a reminder.
They can paste it on the first page of their notebook or inside their lockers.
2. Disfruta el viaje tanto como el destino.Enjoy the journey as much as the destination.
Many good students have close-to-perfect grades but get anxiety, stress, and even depression along the way.
It is crucial for teachers and parents to tell kids to enjoy the whole ride.
This is another 1st day of school quotes that will accompany them throughout their lives and touch other important parts of their development.
Sometimes we must remember to have a blast on the way to our destination. That truly is the meaning of life and the reason we are here.
Depending on your kids’ ages, they can understand this phrase or not.
So we suggest letting them think of as many examples as possible and discussing them in class to complete each other’s answers.
Examples of it can range from enjoying the literal travel on the plane by watching movies and sipping on juice as much as New York, Cancun, or Vancouver.
They can also have an organized calendar for the exams. This can be fun!
With an organized calendar they can study one theme every day and acing the tests instead of studying everything the day before and failing at the end.
Read next: Spanish Quotes
3. Sé la mejor versión de ti mismo.Be the best version of yourself.
Quotes like this are a constant reminder to keep on developing our minds, hearts, brains, and bodies.
We are beings subjected to evolution, and when we put our minds into it is a much easier task.
As an exercise, you can ask your children what they want to become professionally, but as a whole person.
When we were asked this question as kids, the answers were policeman, nurse, teacher, ballet dancer, and singer. Let them be more profound.
Do they want to become better people? Parents? Environmental defenders? Great students? Let’s not always think about the long run.
This exercise can become a whole plan that you can revisit at the end of the year—or almost at the end to help them get there before it’s over.
Show them how to make SMART goals and ask them about the “how.” How will they get there?
Our suggestion for this activity is to make a vision board: on one side, the objectives for this school year, and on the other, the ones for high school, college, and beyond.
Let this become a teachable moment of short, mid, and long-term objectives and how to set strategies to reach them.
Consequently, you will reinforce the individuality and uniqueness that make each of them special.
4. La educación es el arma más poderosa que puedes usar para cambiar el mundo.Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.
Do they know the purpose of getting educated at school or home? Why do they need to know about all these disciplines and topics?
How will this experience improve their lives in the future?
On this 1st day of school, teach them why they need to learn. Ask them what they want to be in life. You can use the previous activity as an introduction.
Now let them explain as much as they can in Spanish what courses they need to get there.
Help them with ideas of other supportive topics they need to know before becoming who they want to be. They can go to the front at the end and share.
This is a valuable moment to help your little and not-so-little ones understand why we are doing what we are doing.
The future marine biologist of your class will not pick math or physics as a subject they need. Be sure to ask them how they will count supplies or measure the capacity of a boat.
How will they practice sailing without understanding the numbers behind the force of nature?
Those subjects picked less, like math and science, become brain workouts for problem-solving.
This back-to-school quote by Nelson Mandela highlights the transformative power of education, inspiring students to recognize their potential to make a difference.
See also: 20 Inspirational Quotes in Spanish for Your Classroom During NFLW
5. Tú eres el autor de tu propio destino. Escribe una historia increíble llena de éxito y superación.You’re the author of your destiny. Write an incredible story filled with success and overcoming.
We know you’re reading between the lines.
And yes, this is one of the back-to-school quotes that can become teachable moments around responsibility, authenticity, self-motivation, and accountability.
Add communication and storytelling skills to that list by asking your students for an incredible story of success and overcoming.
Whether they are the star or not in these tales doesn’t matter. What’s important is they create a world where change for good is possible.
Review a few tiny vocabulary sessions before they start and be around for language guidance.
6. Aprende algo nuevo cada día y llegarás a ser quien deseas ser.Learn something new daily, and you will become who you want to be.
This 1st day of school phrase emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and growth, inspiring students to embrace knowledge and strive for their dreams.
If you’re looking for a reason to have a journaling activity throughout the week, month, or year, this is what you’re looking for.
Ask your children to write one page every day about what they learn. This will help them see how tiny things can amount to much bigger ones.
They can make a chart at the beginning or end of the journal where they check off the date whenever they feel they learned something new.
It can be a skill, a word, a manner, a topic, a fun fact, and more.
Hand-picked for you: 20 Quotes About Learning Spanish to Inspire Your Classroom
7. Aplica lo que ya sabes para llegar a tus metas y hacer de este un mundo mejor.Apply what you already know to reach your goals and make this a better world.
This quote teaches how everyday learning will take us far and shows children how all that knowledge is applicable in the near future.
On the other hand, we are talking about their individual goals and how to create a better world.
This is one of the most important values to teach!
Unleash their creativity and let your students paint a picture of what they think will be a better world. On the back of this postcard, they can write how they will contribute to that utopia.
Finish the activity by having them send the card to their future selves by placing it inside a mailbox. They can have it back at the end of the year as a reminder of that noble individual and collective goal.
8. El primer día de escuela marca el comienzo de un mundo de posibilidades.The 1st day of school marks the beginning of a world of possibilities.
As we discussed at the beginning of the article, the 1st day of school has a crucial importance and impact on the school year and your students.
This wish prompts the idea of new beginnings and clean slates. Share the tranquility of the new school year by telling them about the possibilities ahead.
As an activity for this quote, your classroom can collectively put together a wishlist for the year.
It’s best if it can be in a visible place so that everyone can see it whenever they are stirring away from those wishes and principles.
Read also: 20 Classic Mexican Quotes and Proverbs in Spanish
9. Hoy se abren las puertas del conocimiento. ¡Conquista el mundo con tu inteligencia!Today the doors of knowledge open up. Conquer the world with your intelligence!
This back-to-school quote highlights the power of education and encourages students to use their intelligence to overcome challenges and make a difference.
This is a lovely phrase that can accompany or be the title of your presentation of the syllabus.
Today the doors of knowledge open up, and these are all the things we will learn throughout the year!
Make this presentation as engaging as possible so they get hooked on the idea that the amount of things they will learn is huge and that this school year will be worth it.
10. El conocimiento es como un tesoro que nadie puede arrebatarte. ¡Atesora ese conocimiento!Knowledge is like a treasure that no one can take away from you. Treasure that learning!
This phrase is about the value of knowledge and encourages students to embrace the joy of discovering new things.
If you’re looking for a hands-and-crafts activity, this can be it!
Make a treasure chest and give your students material to make golden coins where they write every topic on the syllabus.
Every time you teach one, get the treasure chest so everyone can put a coin inside. At the end of the year, see how many coins you have collectively achieved as a classroom!
11. El éxito no es la clave de la felicidad. La felicidad es la clave del éxito. Si amas lo que haces, el éxito vendrá.Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you do, success will come.
Help your kids find joy in their pursuits and emphasize the connection between passion and achievement.
Make a book separator with the shape of a key and this phrase so that every time they open their books, they see it, read it, and remember the key to success.
12. No temas cometer errores, ya que son oportunidades para aprender y crecer.Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, for they are opportunities to learn and grow.
This is a tough one. As human beings, we are naturally dispassionate about making mistakes. It embarrasses us and holds us back.
If your students learn to embrace them as part of their general development as kids, they will gain a vast advantage over others.
When you win, you win; when you lose, you win experience. There’s no way around making mistakes.
But by having this view of life where everything is good and beneficial, we will confidently step towards any challenge.
We save the best for last!
Learning a new language like Spanish is all about making mistakes. The best way of achieving linguistic goals is to try and fail. But the secret is to stop caring.
If your kids feel embarrassed every time they try, odds are they will not make the same advance as others who give themselves time and the chance of doing it wrong.
The spectacular effect of this quote and life lessons are resilience and emotional intelligence.
But these are learned with practice, so start the class every day by reminding this quote. It will make a big difference!
Give Your Students the Gift of Proficiency!We hope you and your students have a great 1st day of school after covering the importance of new beginnings and the sentiment and significance behind these messages.
You can write them on cards, share and discuss them verbally in the classroom or have them visible on the walls.
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“This is the best way for your kid to learn Spanish. It’s one-on-one, taught by native Spanish speakers, and uses a curriculum.”
– Sharon K, Parent of 3
“It’s a great way to learn Spanish, from native Spanish speakers in a 1-on-1 environment. It’s been fairly easy to schedule classes around my daughter’s other classes. The best value for us has been ordering multiple classes at a time. All the instructors have been great!”
– Cindy D, Parent of 3
“HSA offers very affordable, quality, one on one classes with a native speaker. My son has greatly benefited from taking classes. We have seen his confidence increase as well as his pronunciation improve because he learns from a native Spanish speaker. HSA has quick, personal customer service. Our family has been very pleased with our experience so far!”
– Erica P. Parent of 1
The post 12 First Day Of School Wishes And Quotes In Spanish appeared first on Homeschool Spanish Academy.