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Whizzinator Belt is that simulates the act of urination to test for drug for purposes. It includes an imitation penis, waist belt, and organic heating pads that maintain the body at a precise temperature for as long as eight hours. It also includes one vial of premium synthetic urine, a syringe, and exact directions.
It's comfortable to wear
The Whizzinator was created to provide a discreet fluid transfer that is comfortable and easy to use. Women and men can use the device. It comes with more than 4 ounces of synthetic urine, which is toxin and free of disease. It also comes with two heat pads made of organic material, a temperature gauge that is easy to read, removable 100% cotton elastic belts that have elastic loops detachable and 60ml syringes, along with comprehensive directions.
A pressure belt helps increase bladder bag pressure for better urine flow. It is simple to adjust its pressure to do - just turn a dial. Additionally, the soft style ensures it's safe for the skin, making it ideal to wear in all situations and it is suggested to practice before an mirror to learn how to use the device properly and ensure that you don't take fake urine from the pouch!
It's easy to maintain
The Whizzinator is a that you wear around your waist, which you fill with fake urine to use for the urine test. It is easy to operate and maintain The Whizzinator is extensively used by probationers as well as NFL players in order to pass controlled urine tests. However anyone who tries to cheat on during a test can result in criminal charges when found.
The fetish urine kit been thoroughly reviewed and certified to be 100% safe by a professional in the field for usage. Kit includes rechargeable belt, one bottle of Gold'n Shower synthetic urine lab grade that has all the characteristics that human urine does, such as pH, color, scent particular gravity, foam thickness, etc. Two eight-hour heating pads that are attached to the pouch for warm temperatures, as well as comprehensive instructions as well as detailed guidelines for use in a safe manner.
The Whizzinator has a simple return policy. If the product doesn't perform as stated, you are able to get the refund. After returning the item, the company will examine the item and give you a full refund in the event that it is not used.
It is secure to make use of
Whizzinator Whizzinator is a gadget that mimics male urination to aid in scientific research or for sexual fetish game. It comes with a urine bags, heat pads that keep body temperatures stable when heating urine made from synthetic material, and a fake penis. Users are able to fill the bag with the urine of their choice or from synthetic sources when they want; it also includes a belt of pressure for increased urine production.
The fake urine is created to look like real urine by appearance and smell and contains ingredients like creatinine and uric acid. In addition, the manufacturer has taken additional steps to ensure that it matches both the pH of the body and the specific gravity of urine samples from natural sources.
But, misuse of the Whizzinator could land you in hot water when you are caught by probation or law enforcement office. One Tennessee person, Jonathan Jackson, went to prison in 2014 for making use of the device to avoid legal drug tests. Alternative Lifestyle Systems' general manager claims that its products are offered as adult products or gag gifts and are not to be utilized against legitimate testing for drugs.
It's discret
The Whizzinator belt has been designed to be discrete and simple to cover. It has a strap and waistband specially designed to complement the color of your skin, five shades of skin are offered so it can be worn seamlessly. But, direct observation of drug tests shouldn't be used.
Kit includes a disposable medical-grade, vinyl bag that is attached to a belt that is elastic to ensure safe transport, as in addition to realistic prosthetic features and refills for urine that mimic human-like colors, pH and the specific gravity of urine. Additionally, it comes with an organic heating pad that helps keep body temperature stable throughout the use of the synthetic urine.
Pressure belts increase bladder pressure, allowing it to increase the amount of urine produced and allows users to easily stop or start the flow. It is important to pay attention while using the device since the failure to follow this procedure can result in legal penalties or even arrest. It would be better not to utilize the device when in public areas since any lapse could cause you to become a target and you could be charged with criminal charges. To find out everything you should be aware of SYNTHETIC PEE Visit This Link or visit our website.