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Dr. Todd Eller attained his PhD at UCLA and is the owner and director of Best Practices, an educational institution that has been providing behavioral intervention and treatment for autistic and special needs individuals for 17 years.
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Krumboltz's theory of career choice comes about through social learning theory. There are four main concepts of this theory which include:- genetic predisposition, environmental conditions, learning experiences and task approach skills (Krumboltz, 1979).
The genetic predisposition predisposes the individual to effects brought out in the environment. The individual is either able to benefit to a greater or lesser extent depending upon their genetic predisposition. Environmental conditions include factors that are generally thought of by Krumboltz to be beyond the control of the individual. Such conditions include, social, cultural, and economic forces. Environmental factors include allocation of resources, recessions, technology, and the labor market (Krumboltz, 1979).
The individual makes decisions according to past and present learning experiences. The individual uses both instrumental learning and associative learning. The individual develops both self-observation generalizations and world view generalizations. The individual also develops task approach skills. These include one's work habits, efficacy, values and approach toward work (Krumboltz, 1979).
A counselor can use a Krumboltz’s theory to determine which type of resume a client should use due to one’s environmental conditions. For instance, if a client very much wants to go into broadcasting, but has no broadcasting experience, then a counselor could use Krumboltz’s theory to determine if the environmental conditions have simply not allowed this individual to gain experience in this field even though this client has the skills to go into broadcasting. If this is the case, then a counselor could use a functional resume to bring such skills as writing, communication skills and research abilities.
Holland's theory develops from trait-factor theory. Holland in his theory has four basic assumptions. First, there are six personality types which he labeled realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional. Second, there are the same six types of environments. Third, individual's seek out environments where they can exercise their skills and abilities and express their values and attitudes. Fourth, behavior is defined as an interaction between personality and the environment (Brown and Brooks, 1991).
Holland also expresses five main concepts related to the six environmental and personality types. These main concepts include consistency, differentiation, identity, congruence and calculus. By forming a hexagonal model with the six types, a definition for the five main concepts can be provided (1982a).
Consistency refers to the proximity of letters on the hexagon. High consistency includes two letters that are next to each other, medium consistency refers to two letters separated by one letter, and low consistency refers to two letters separated by two letters. Differentiation refers to:- the more types that have an equal resemblance of each other, the more they are poorly defined or undifferentiated. Identity refers to an individual who has a clear and concise picture of his/her values, interests and goals (Holland, 1987a).
Congruence refers to an individual living or working in an environment that is similar to or identical to his/her personality type. Finally, calculus refers to the relationship between types in the hexagonal model. An inverse proportional relationship exists between them (Holland, 1987a).
Holland’s theory helps counselor’s to determine which personality type a client is which influences the type of resume a client will write. For instance, the broad categories of resumes are chronological, functional, combination and functional/combinational. However, clients can do different things with each of these broad types. For example, if a client has an “artistic” type, then this client will want to work with other artistic types in a creative setting according to Holland’s theory. Therefore, this client could put designs, drawings, graphics or other creative elements into their resume. Artistic personalities respond well to creativity and imagination. On the other hand, if a client is going to apply to business positions with people who most likely will have “realistic” type personalities, then the resume should be straightforward and easy to read such as a chronological format.